
We are so excited that God has led you to our web site!  We would love the opportunity to get to know you!  We invite you to join with our church family as we worship, learn, grow, serve and encourage one another.

If you are searching for a group of people to accept you where you are and grow in our relationships with each other and with God, you’re in the right place!  For those who call this “home”, we commit to pray, to listen with compassion, to forgive and to nurture.  We invite you to worship with us, fellowship with us and grow with us! 

  • What is it like?
    • You'll be welcomed at the door and helped in any way you need.  Our Sunday morning service begins at 11am. There is a Connection Center right inside the front door to get you any information you would like to have!
  • What about my kids?
    • Kids are one of our top priorities! If you choose, Life Kid’s Children's Church starts after the song service and offers a place where children can discover and develop a passion for God. Through music, teaching, and a variety of fun activities, children are taught God’s Word and challenged to grow in their relationship with God. Our children’s services are fully staffed with adults and high school students who are committed to teaching and ministering to children. You can be confident that your child is well-cared for and having a great time learning about God while you worship.  We also have a nursery available for our tiny ones. They are also more than welcome to stay with you!  Our children's hall is monitored and secure.
  • Where do I park?
    • Our parking lot is very open and uncomplicated.  We have hadicap parking available should you need it. 
  • What do I wear?
    • Clothes.  We are just regular people and believe God is really more interested in our hearts than our duds.  We are a casual bunch, so don't feel pressured to put on a tie!