Evangelizing our own community is absolutely first on our list! We look for new ways every year to reach into our community to make an impact for Christ. Some of those ways are Mega Sports Camp, Amazing Grace Giveaway, Nursing Home Ministry, Fall Festival, Migrant Worker Ministry, Community Christmas Caroling, Getting involved in community events and so much more!
Our state missions range from partnering with a church plant in Wynne, AR to Disaster Relief to the One Day Mission trips organized by the ABSC. Anywhere we see the opportunity to jump in we strive to do so!
We support Horsemanship Bible Camp in Richland, Missouri by serving during camp and also working throught the year to maintain and expand the facilities. This camp has been an amazing event that God uses to save young people every year!
We partner with a church plant in Livingston, Montana, Darryl Brunson is the pastor at Expedition Church and always has many tasks waiting for us when we can bring a team! God has blessed the church plant there and we have been so grateful to have been used by God in a small way to help in that process.
We partner with a village and surrounding area in W. Africa. As a church, we are just getting started in this ministry; but Pastor Jared Russell has been involved in evangelizing the Fulakunda people group since 2009 and desires to continue to lead groups there to encourage the native believers and to teach them how disciples make disciples.
We give annually to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, Annie Armstrong Easter Offering and the Dixie Jackson State Missions Offering; we also participate in Operation Christmas Child, youth mission trips, local family needs, and community needs.